applied ai

Edge AI

Utilize Edge AI with robot sensors and cameras to increase autonomy and accuracy

Bring AI to all IoT connected infrastructure from drones to wind turbines to Robots as a Service

Robotic Production

Automated production systems utilizing Edge AI with robot sensors and cameras increase autonomy and accuracy. Robot sensors monitor the environment and component positions, while algorithms detect objects and command component actions to manipulate and place objects in the appropriate locations.

Satellites and Spacecraft

Edge AI models deployed on satellites and spacecraft are automatically updated as objectives evolve, feedback is received and models are retrained. Anomalies detected across entities such as vehicles, ships or forests, trigger more frequent and focused imaging. Low-latency decision-making removes the need to downlink data before the next action.

Predictive Maintenance

Critical infrastructure in low bandwidth environments can preemptively replace, repair and reduce equipment downtime to minimize maintenance costs. Sensors collect data on the state of subsystems of a given machine, vehicle, aircraft or ship. AI monitors them for failure predictors and queues them for maintenance crew dispatch.

Energy Management

Organizations seeking to optimize energy consumption and reduce production costs can deploy Edge AI on sensors, allowing models to analyze power utilization across systems. Models can then initiate actions to reduce system activity and improve efficiency.

Drug Compounds

Healthcare organizations can accelerate research by leveraging Edge AI within laboratories. AI models quantify images and can determine promising compounds, expediting subsequent experiment generation and analysis.

Autonomous Vehicles

Obstacles in the path of the moving vehicles are detected and avoid collision.


Embedding Edge AI on sensors and cameras in manufacturing plants and processing factories optimizes efficiencies and improves quality control. Models deployed at the Edge identify defective products for HITL inspection.