María Pérez-Ortiz,
Petru Manescu,
Fabio Caccioli,
Parashkev Nachev,
Parashkev Nachev,
Publication date
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
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How do we best constrain social interactions to prevent the transmission of communicable respiratory diseases? Indiscriminate suppression, the currently accepted answer, is both unsustainable long term and implausibly presupposes all interactions to carry equal weight. Transmission within a social network is determined by the topology of its graphical structure, of which the number of interactions is only one aspect. Here we deploy large-scale numerical simulations to quantify the impact on pathogen transmission of a set of topological features covering the parameter space of realistic possibility. We first test through a series of stochastic simulations the differences in the spread of disease on several classes of network geometry (including highly skewed networks and small world). We then aim to characterise the spread based on the characteristics of the network topology using regression analysis, highlighting some of the network metrics that influence the spread the most. For this, we build a dataset composed of more than 9000 social networks and 30 topological network metrics. We find that pathogen spread is optimally reduced by limiting specific kinds of social contact – unfamiliar and long range – rather than their global number. Our results compel a revaluation of social interventions in communicable diseases, and the optimal approach to crafting them.