Shangsong Liang,
Emine Yilmaz,
Evangelos Kanoulas,
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Clustering technology has found numerous applications in mining textual data. It was shown to enhance the performance of retrieval systems in various different ways, such as identifying different query aspects in search result diversification, improving smoothing in the context of language modeling, matching queries with documents in a latent topic space in ad-hoc retrieval, summarizing documents etc. The vast majority of clustering methods have been developed under the assumption of a static corpus of long (and hence textually rich) documents. Little attention has been given to streaming corpora of short text, which is the predominant type of data in Web 2.0 applications, such as social media, forums, and blogs. In this paper, we consider the problem of dynamically clustering a streaming corpus of short documents. The short length of documents makes the inference of the latent topic distribution challenging …