Ben Carterette,
Evangelos Kanoulas,
Emine Yilmaz,
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Click logs present a wealth of evidence about how users interact with a search system. This evidence has been used for many things: learning rankings, personalizing, evaluating effectiveness, and more. But it is almost always distilled into point estimates of feature or parameter values, ignoring what may be the most salient feature of users---their variability. No two users interact with a system in exactly the same way, and even a single user may interact with results for the same query differently depending on information need, mood, time of day, and a host of other factors. We present a Bayesian approach to using logs to compute posterior distributions for probabilistic models of user interactions. Since they are distributions rather than point estimates, they naturally capture variability in the population. We show how to cluster posterior distributions to discover patterns of user interactions in logs, and discuss how to …