Claudia d'Amato,
Nicola Fanizzi,
Marko Grobelnik,
Vojtech Svatek,
Vojtech Svatek,
Publication date
IOS Press
Total citations
The goal of the Semantic Web research is to extend the current World WideWeb into one where information is given semantically precise meaning. The Semantic Web is supposed to provide a medium to share such information and is often perceived to be a global, distributed database of meaningfully represented data. From the speed of the development of initiatives like Linked Open Data or community efforts to integrate various ontological resources like bio-ontologies, we may expect to have, in the near future, access to immense data resources that would by orders of magnitude escape the possibility of direct human analysis. Hence, the problem of mining from the Semantic Web currently becomes as important as it used to be that of data mining from local databases. Exploiting this global resource of data requires new kinds of approaches to data mining and data analysis that would be able to deal at the same …