Nello Cristianini
John Shawe-Taylor
Publication date
Cambridge University Press
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Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis Page 1 1 www.support-vector.net/nello.html Kernel
Methods for Pattern Analysis Nello Cristianini UC Davis nello@support-vector.net www.support-vector.net/nello.html
In this talk… ∎ Review the main ideas of kernel based learning algorithms (already seen
some examples yesterday !) ∎ Give examples of the diverse types of data and applications
they can handle: □ Strings, sets and vectors… □ Classification, pca, cca and clustering…
∎ Present recent results on LEARNING KERNELS (this is fun!) Page 2 2 www.support-vector.net/nello.html
Kernel Methods ∎ rich family of ‘pattern analysis’ algorithms, whose best known element is
the Support Vector Machine ∎ very general task: given a set of data (any form, not
necessarily vectors), find patterns (= any relations). ∎ (Examples of relations: classifications,
regressions, principal directions, correlations, clusters, rankings, etc.…) ∎ (…