Qiang Zhang,
Aldo Lipani,
Emine Yilmaz,
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Neural point processes (NPPs) employ neural networks to capture complicated dynamics of asynchronous event sequences. Existing NPPs feed all history events into neural networks, assuming that all event types contribute to the prediction of the target type. However, this assumption can be problematic because in reality some event types do not contribute to the predictions of another type. To correct this defect, we learn to omit those types of events that do not contribute to the prediction of one target type during the formulation of NPPs. Towards this end, we simultaneously consider the tasks of (1) finding event types that contribute to predictions of the target types and (2) learning a NPP model from event sequences. For the former, we formulate a latent graph, with event types being vertices and non-zero contributing relationships being directed edges; then we propose a probabilistic graph generator, from which …