María Pérez-Ortiz,
Petru Manescu,
Fabio Caccioli,
Parashkev Nachev,
Parashkev Nachev,
Publication date
Nature Publishing Group UK
Total citations
How do we best constrain social interactions to decrease transmission of communicable diseases? Indiscriminate suppression is unsustainable long term and presupposes that all interactions carry equal importance. Instead, transmission within a social network has been shown to be determined by its topology. In this paper, we deploy simulations to understand and quantify the impact on disease transmission of a set of topological network features, building a dataset of 9000 interaction graphs using generators of different types of synthetic social networks. Independently of the topology of the network, we maintain constant the total volume of social interactions in our simulations, to show how even with the same social contact some network structures are more or less resilient to the spread. We find a suitable intervention to be specific suppression of unfamiliar and casual interactions that contribute to the network’s …