Martin Anthony,
Graham Brightwell,
Dave Cohen,
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Some recent work [7, 14, 15] in computational learning theory has discussed learning in situations where the teacher is helpful, and can choose to present carefully chosen sequences of labelled examples to the learner. We say a function t in a set H of functions (a hypothesis space) defined on a set X is specified by S***X if the only function in H which agrees with t on S is t itself. The specification number σ(t) of t is the least cardinality of such an S. For a general hypothesis space, we show that the specification number of any hypotheis is at least equal to a parameter from [14] known as the testing dimension of H. We investigate in some detail the specification numbers of hypotheses in the set Hn of linearly separable boolean functions: We present general methods for finding upper bounds on σ(t) and we characterise those t which have largest σ(t). We obtain a general lower bound on the number of examples …