Jane M Rondina,
Tim Hahn,
Leticia de Oliveira,
Thomas Dresler,
Thomas Dresler,
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Feature selection (FS) methods play two important roles in the context of neuroimaging based classification: potentially increase classification accuracy by eliminating irrelevant features from the model and facilitate interpretation by identifying sets of meaningful features that best discriminate the classes. Although the development of FS techniques specifically tuned for neuroimaging data is an active area of research, up to date most of the studies have focused on finding a subset of features that maximizes accuracy. However, maximizing accuracy does not guarantee reliable interpretation as similar accuracies can be obtained from distinct sets of features. In the current paper we propose a new approach for selecting features: SCoRS (survival count on random subsamples) based on a recently proposed Stability Selection theory. SCoRS relies on the idea of choosing relevant features that are stable under data …