Boštjan Pajntar,
Marko Grobelnik,
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SearchPoint is a search engine add-on, with a novel concept of how we can search. In a usual search scenario we write a query and receive ranked result-set in return. Instead of just using one ranking per query, we propose to create a” Ranking Space”, a space in which each point represents a unique ranking. Thus we get a continuum of different rankings for one query. Obtaining ranking space can be done automatically, per query, in several ways. A ranking space consists of topics of interest, and is in fact drawn on a screen. A user can easily navigate this space, effectively choosing any ranking he desires. At the same time, there is no hinderance by this add-on, as the default position on a ranking space corresponds to the original ranking of a search engine. We are able to obtain the topics directly from a result-set and even more, we can extract them from a predefined directory or even ontology, effectively …