Adrian Mladenić Grobelnik,
Erik Novak,
Dunja Mladenić,
Publication date
Jožef Stefan Institute
Total citations
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Description The SloMET-ATOMIC 2020 is a Slovene commonsense reasoning model that is able to predict commonsense descriptions in a natural language for a given input sentence. The model is an adaptation of the Slovene GPT-2 model (https://huggingface. co/cjvt/gpt-sl-base) that has been finetuned using the SloATOMIC 2020 corpus (http://hdl. handle. net/11356/1724), consisting of 1.33 M everyday interence knowledge tuples about entities and events. The released model is a pytorch neural network model, intended for usage with the transformers library (https://github. com/huggingface/transformers).