Maria J Rosa,
Liana Portugal,
Tim Hahn,
Marta I Garrido,
Marta I Garrido,
Publication date
Academic Press
Total citations
Pattern recognition applied to whole-brain neuroimaging data, such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), has proved successful at discriminating psychiatric patients from healthy participants. However, predictive patterns obtained from whole-brain voxel-based features are difficult to interpret in terms of the underlying neurobiology. Many psychiatric disorders, such as depression and schizophrenia, are thought to be brain connectivity disorders. Therefore, pattern recognition based on network models might provide deeper insights and potentially more powerful predictions than whole-brain voxel-based approaches. Here, we build a novel sparse network-based discriminative modeling framework, based on Gaussian graphical models and L1-norm regularized linear Support Vector Machines (SVM). In addition, the proposed framework is optimized in terms of both predictive power and reproducibility …