Sahan Bulathwela,
Maria Perez-Ortiz,
Emine Yilmaz,
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With the emergence of e-learning and personalised education, the production and distribution of digital educational resources have boomed. Video lectures have now become one of the primary modalities to impart knowledge to masses in the current digital age. The rapid creation of video lecture content challenges the currently established human-centred moderation and quality assurance pipeline, demanding for more efficient, scalable and automatic solutions for managing learning resources. Although a few datasets related to engagement with educational videos exist, there is still an important need for data and research aimed at understanding learner engagement with scientific video lectures. This paper introduces VLEngagement, a novel dataset that consists of content-based and video-specific features extracted from publicly available scientific video lectures and several metrics related to user engagement. We introduce several novel tasks related to predicting and understanding context-agnostic engagement in video lectures, providing preliminary baselines. This is the largest and most diverse publicly available dataset to our knowledge that deals with such tasks. The extraction of Wikipedia topic-based features also allows associating more sophisticated Wikipedia based features to the dataset to improve the performance in these tasks. The dataset, helper tools and example code snippets are available publicly at